Tour History "Megalithic Sites Sokoliman"

Megalithic Sites Sokoliman

Located in the Hamlet Sokoliman II Village District Bejiharjo Karangmojo. This site was formed in prehistoric periods in the form of menhirs, menhir fragments and wall rock tomb. In 1934 Jl Moens and Van der Hoop conduct research on this site and found the grave in the form of beads, aalat-iron tools, fragments of pottery and bronze objects.
In 1989 BP3 (Balai Preservation of Archaeological Heritage) DIY Province to reform and collect the scattered menhirs. Communities around the call site with the name "Tombs Budho".
In the megalithic, menhir is a manifestation of public figures who have died and as a medium of worship to the spirits of ancestors. Sokoliman megalithic culture has a distinctive, especially in menhirnya, namely at the top of the carved human face.
Menhir Sokoliman found in the field. Stone is expected to place human beings at the time of worship and symbol of power or specific events, such as war. Number of stones quite a lot about 140 pieces. Five of them bigger than others, and is called Saka Five pole which means that the number five and is suspected as the origin of the name Sokoliman.

Tour History "Radio Banaran"

RADIO STATIONS history of the Air Force PC-2
Radio AURI has an important role in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. Through the Air Force station, the news of the Indonesian struggle to spread widely to foreign countries. Of course, its impact is very broad, so that the international world to know about the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Even the figures Mr struggle. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara once commented, if there is no PHB Air Force, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia at that time has no meaning. The role of Air Force radio began when the fighters to master some of the mobile transmitter, the constant struggle to follow. This communication tool is needed for communication between central and local government leaders as well as with the international community. On December 17, 1945, Commander of Division III Yogyakarta officially handed over the authority and responsibility to the TKR field keudaraan Aviation Bureau, since it also activities to collect air force began to increase. Communication and personnel affairs entrusted to Patience Wiryonomukti. He assembled an experienced friends in the field of radio communications, such as Boediardjo who were given the task of preparing human resources, particularly for the Department of Transportation or PHB-AURI. He called the 16 students in the School of Radio wire Bugis Malang, to serve as the core of PHB-AURI. With the advent of Adi Soemarmo Wirjokoesoemo, former Flight Radio Operators of The Netherlands East Indies Air Force (NIA), PHB-AURI performance getting better and better.   April 9, 1946, the Government issued Decision No. 6 on the establishment of the Air Force, and set Raden Surjadi Suryadarma as Air Force Chief of Staff (rafters) with two representatives of R. Soekarnaen Martokoesoemo and Adisoetjipto. Two years later the Air Officer III Boediardjo was appointed Air Force Chief of Bureau of Transportation.   During the invasion of the Netherlands to Yogyakarta, 19 December 1948, to occupy the country's capital and capturing the leader of the nation, Vice-President Mohammad Hatta had time to send a message. Radiogram shaped message is then conveyed to all Air Force stations in Indonesia by Patience Wijoyomukti through AURI radio station located in Yogyakarta Terban Park.   The sound message is: "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN YOGYA besieged ENEMY AND SHOULD NOT BE DOING his obligations (comma) BUT HAS BEEN HELD FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN Forwards SUMATRA (TTK) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE IN THE YOGYAKARTA (comma ) FIGHT forwarded (TTK HBS). "
Finish sending the news, radio stations in the Air Force destroyed by Boediardjo Terban Park, in order to protect the fighters from the invasion of Holland. The fighters then went out of town to gather strength and continue guerrilla struggle.  In the village Dekso, Kulonprogo, where military officials gathered to coordinate, founded Command Headquarters Java known as Java Command Headquarters, the head of Nasution. While in Sumatra Sumatra stands Command Headquarters (MBKS) under the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Emergency) led by Mr. Syafruddin Prawiranegara. After joining the Java Command Headquarters, Air Officer III Boediardjo which still served as Head of Communications tried to convince Air Force leadership Java Command Headquarters. That he can make communication with the Command Headquarters of Sumatra and other command headquarters. At that time the Air Force still has about 39 radio stations scattered in various places. Beginning in January 1949 Boediardjo with his men, assisted by Basir Surya and Sergeant Air Soeroso, each Commander and Chief of Airport PHB d'Ivoire, set up a secret radio station in the village of Banaran, District Playen. Radio transmitters used were type People Cooperation (PC-2). AURI radio station equipment, the callsign PC-2, placed in the kitchen house owned by deceased Pawirosetomo peasant family. The power plant hidden in the ground and covered with wood stove fuel. While the antenna stretched on two coconut trees, installed only at night to do the broadcast. While on the morning of the equipment is hidden so as not to know Dutch. Cohesiveness and support of local residents helped in implementing the tasks of broadcasting and conceal the existence of PC-2 radio stations. Especially family Pawirosetomo wife and two children, who always helped the fighters in carrying out the task. Activities undertaken was to conduct the exchange of information about the activities of the fighters in Java and Sumatra as well as broadcast the success of the struggle abroad. One of the achievements station AURI PC-PHB-2 Playen is its success in broadcast news about General Offensive March 1, 1949. Broadcast news was carried on at 02.00 pm on March 2, 1949, to the entire radio network Air Force even to the United Nations. The news sent by Sergeant Basukihardjo, an operator station PC-2 PHB AURI Playen, and received by the radio operator Sgt Bidar Air Kusnadi Nature. The next day, March 3, the news was reported by the Air Officer and Element III Dick Said Tamimi told Mr. Chairman Emergency Government. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara. The news immediately sent to radio stations "nbm" Tangse, "ZZ" Kototinggi. Through radio "nbm" Tangse news sent to radio stations "SMN" in Rangoon and then proceed to New Delhi and representatives of Indonesia to the United Nations in Washington, USA. RI representative at the United Nations officials revealed the news in front of the UN Security Council meeting on March 7, 1949, thus opening the eyes of the world against the presence of Indonesian struggle to achieve independence.

Sumardjono, Pawirosetomo heirs, then the house and its garden soil mewakafkan joglonya to dijadian Monuments Radio PHB AURI PC-2 Playen which was inaugurated on July 10, 1984 by Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

Gunungkidul Village tour

Villages Tourism In Gunung Kidul 1. VILLAGE Bobung, Putat, SUB pecking
Almost all of its people basic livelihood is to be a crafter Mask batik wood and other wood crafts. Bobung also very easy to reach the existing traffic facilities including bus tours. Area Bobung Putat Village, District Patuk distance is only 10 KM east of the city Wonosari or 30 KM east of Yogyakarta city. To reach this tourist village is also not too difficult, in addition to the location of this village is paved smooth also traveled public transportation. it is also the tourists can also enjoy the fresh air of rural hillside in the Mount Nglanggeran tracking them.

Located 25 KM north of the city Wonosari, or 60 km to the east of Yogyakarta. Easy to reach because the road to this location is paved and the environment with trees and famous Garotan segar.Dusun air craft with its distinctive form of cast iron in the form of antique lamps, garden chairs and others. Memungkingkan natural rural ambience for tourists to feel the life come dipedasaan with farming, mutual cooperation and others.
The center of a white stone craftsmen with interesting ornaments. This location is easily accessible by paved road infrastructure and rural atmosphere is refreshing. one of the indigenous traditions are still preserved the Wedi Utah
Wonosadi Tourist Village is situated in the hamlet of Duren and Sidorejo Beji Village District Ngawen approximately 35 KM from Wonosari. Wonosadi name itself is actually the name of forest located on the slopes of the hills in the two hamlets. Until now this is still very well preserved forest sustainability and rich variety of flora and fauna as well as natural stones terddapat big berkuran said to be the result of the eruption of Mount Merapi Antique. This happens because the public trust that was given the authority and responsibility by the forest owner is Prince Onggolotjo, a son, descendants of Majapahit.
Tourist attractions that can be enjoyed at the Tourism Village Wonosadi among others:
Spiritual tours, visiting sacred places like Watu Gendhong, Kali Ndek, and Spring Middle Reef. Home bamboo handicraft industry Traditional ceremonies such as rasulan, sadranan, mboyong goddess sri, midang, mantenan, bellows, mitoni, ruwtan (in time).
Enjoy and practice the art Rinding gumbeng, typical art Wonosadi believed to be the oldest arts in Java

Gunungkidul Karts

Gunungkidul district has a karst topography that is formed by limestone dissolution process. This landscape is known as the Karst Mountains Regions Sewu that span covering an area of ​​Gunungkidul district, Wonogiri and Pacitan.

Gunungkidul district has an area of ​​karst area of ​​13,000 km ². Gunungkidul karst landscape area is very unique, it is characterized by the existence of phenomena on the surface (eksokarst) and subsurface (endokarst). The phenomenon involves the formation of positive surface, such as karst hills whose numbers ± 40 000 cone-shaped hill. Negative formation of valleys of karst and karst lake.

The phenomenon involves subsurface karst caves (there are 119 caves) with stalactite and stalagmite, and all rivers flow underground. Because of the uniqueness of its ecosystem, then the 1993 International Union of Speleology proposed for Karst Mountain Area Sewu entry into one of the world's natural heritage.
Karst Valley Mulo

The administration objects Mulo geowisata karst valley is situated in the village Mulo Wonosari District, and can be reached easily only 5 km from the city Wonosari.

Mulo Valley is one object of observation because it is a unique karst formations depression (valley) in size large enough that experienced ruins hundreds of years ago. This area is an ideal area to be Centre of Geotourism Activities Gunungkidul Karst Regions, because in addition to also unique in terms of spatial aspect is very strategic in the main tourist route Gunungkidul District and is located in the middle zone of Gunung karst region.


Located in the Village District Pacarejo Semanu, with a distance of 12 km from Wonosari. The uniqueness of the phenomena encountered is the formation of the landscape, karst formations depression surface in the form of a collapse that forms the vertical caves and karst formations positive form of a conical hill, while below the surface of an underground river that flows through horizontal caves which is a system underground streams that are interconnected to each other in the karst region of Gunungkidul.

In this area, tourists can do cave quid activity by using special equipment such as inflatable boats, ropes, and others. Tourists can also enjoy the beauty of the cave with stalactite and stalagmite kalisuci, which blends the beauty and coolness and challenging adventure.

Excellence is a great model for the district of Gunung to develop tourism through the management of local potential with the principles of sustainable tourism development. So on December 6, 2004 in the District Gunungkidul President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono launched Sewu Mountain region and South Gombong as Eko karst region.

Tourism Resources Karst Gunungkidul district are manifold and are unique and of high scientific value in the form of a white sand beach that has evolved as a mass tourism (mass tourism), special interest tours adventures like rock climbing (on the Beach Siung, Seropan and Watu Gupit), cave quid (Cerme, Seropan, Bribin, Grubug, Jomblang and Kalisuci). History and religious tourism (Goa Kencono Design, Goa and Goa Maria Braholo Tritis).

Lake Flute / Solo Ancient

Located in the village and village Songbanyu Pocung, District Girisubo, with a distance of about 50 km from the city Wonosari. Telaga Suling a valley close to the beach Sadeng.Telaga Flute believed in ancient times as an ancient river estuaries Solo with beautiful scenery and cool as it is surrounded hills.

At this location is ideal for tracking activities or cruise tour. On the way to Sadeng, Solo river flow lane early to enjoy the scenery. The former is a lowland stream flanked by two high hills, which is now agricultural land, 7 km to the north until the region Pracimantoro Wonogiri.

Gunungkidul Montain

Nglanggeran Mountain is located in the region in the north Baturagung Gunungkidul District with a height of between 200-700 meters above sea level, precisely in the village district Nglanggeran Patuk with the distance 22 km from the city Wonosari. This area is an area that litologinya prepared by old volcanic material and has a beautiful landscape that is geologically unique and of high scientific value. From the results of existing research and reference, otherwise Nglanggeran mountain is an ancient volcano, which its existence long before the establishment of Mount Merapi in Sleman district. This ancient volcano formed at about 60 million years ago. The name comes from the word planggaran Nglanggeran meaningful every bad behavior would get caught. Some are said, the name of the hill 700 meters altitude above sea level with a word means enduring a safe and peaceful village. Besides the title, the mountain is composed of many stones are known by the name of Mount Wayang because there are mountains / rocks that resemble puppet figures. According to traditional Javanese beliefs Mount Nglanggeran guarded by Kyi Ongko Wijaya and clown-servants. Clown-servants in these puppet figures, namely: Semar, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong.
Another belief says that Mount Nglanggeran as Mount Revelation because the mountain is believed to be a means of meditation received revelation from God Almighty. Water from the mountain Nglanggeran often drawn from the sultan's palace courtiers as a means to please the public peace and safety of all DIY. No wonder, some people still mengeramatkan mountain. On New Year's Eve Kliwon Java or Friday, some people prefer meditation at the top of this mountain.

Gunungkidul Forest

Wonosadi Forest and Mount Images are two natural attractions are located close together and at certain moments the same time, local people perform traditional ceremonies "SADRANAN" royally.
Wonosadi Forest is a forest located on the slopes of the hills in the village of Beji Ngawen District, about 18 km from Wonosari. Forest rich with rare trees is still very awake sustainability.
Mount image with a height of 200 meters above sea level, is the spiritual tourism in the Village District Jurangjero Ngawen. From its top we can enjoy the beauty of the Swamp Jombor in Klaten and Reservoir Elephant Mungkur in Wonogiri. Mount Image is a place imprisoned Raden Mas Said / Prince Sambar Nyowo during the war against the Dutch. In this place, he sat on a rock (Watu Kong), which is still visible in Mount Pictures, develop strategies to fight the Dutch, who then became ruler of Surakarta with a degree KGPAA Mangkunegaran Mangkunegara I.

Gunungkidul Beach

Gunungkidul district has the superior attractions of the natural attractions of nearly 46 beaches and stretches as far as 70 km in the south. In addition to pristine, each beach has its own characteristics and uniqueness, that pampers guests with its beauty.
Besides beaches, natural attractions that exist in the form of tourism Gunungkidul Wonosadi forests as forests, mountain tours like Mount Nglanggeran a fascinating and tourism karst.
Gunungkidul karstnya region famous for its expanse, which is a world heritage that should be maintained. Karst area is located in the southern zone or zone of the mountain a thousand. In the region are found underground rivers, caves, lake and luweng. Landscape is known by the name of the Karst Regions Sewu Mountains that lie in the region Gunungkidul, Wonogiri and Pacitan.

1. Baron Beach

Baron beach is the entrance gate area beach attractions. The beach is surrounded by limestone hills upon which there is a path where tourists can enjoy the beauty of the vast sea and typical. In the west, there is an underground river estuary water (fresh water) so that there is a meeting place between seawater and freshwater. Characteristic Baon beach is the number of different marine fish fresh and ready to eat including Baron's special menu namely Snapper fish soup. Ordinary local fishing communities implement Alms Sea Ceremony performed routinely every month of Suro (Javanese calendar). This ceremony is an expression of gratitude to God for an abundant harvest of fish and application of safety in looking for fish in the sea. Facilities already available include: Hotel class jasmine, Cafes dining, souvenir stalls, open panggunung. and conference hall.
 2. Beach Krakal

Is a wide beach and the longest dinatara seven other beaches in the area, located 2 km east of Drini beach. outih glittering sand that stretches along the coast, ideal for tourists who want to enjoy the sea air while jogging, or bathing / swimming at the beach while enjoying the beauty and look for a variety of marine life, with a small nets are sold there. At certain times there are treats on an open stage tourist attraction off the coast. Facilities available include Hotel Melatio, food stalls

3. Kukup Beach

Kukup Beach is a beautiful white sandy beaches and wide, there are a variety of marine life, especially ornamental fish are sold by some merchants on the beach or maintained in the building near the shore of the Sea Aquarium. Here too there is a small coral island which contained thereon viewing post to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Adaantara Facilities include: a hall of meeting separately, Pondok Wisata, Budget Hotels, Waung food and souvenir vendors stalls, ornamental fish, iakn pedagnag fast food and fruits. Local fishermen communities also implement alms ceremony along with the sea in coastal fishing Baron

4. Sepanjang Beach
Along the coast is a series of Baron and Kukup Beach is located in the Village Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, about 2 km to the east Coast Kukup. With a stretch of white sandy beaches suitable as an exclusive tourist area of ​​authority, is ideal for sunbathing enjoying the warm sunshine and a coastal conservation at a given time usually used for landings of sea turtles lay their eggs.  

5. Drini Beach
Drini Beach is located in the Village Ngestirejo, District Tanjungsari, about 1 km to the east of the Coast Along. The specialty of this beach there is a growing coral island Drini tree and its wood is said to be used as an antidote to venomous snakes.  

6. Beach Sundak
Located in the Village Sidoharjo, District Tepus, about 1 km to the east of the coast Krakal, green natural scenery blend with the coastal village with a comfortable atmosphere is perfect for relaxing and is commonly used as a platform for tourism campsite adolescents.

7. Beach Ngandong
Located in the village of Sidoarjo, Tepus District, about 500 m to the west of Côte Sundak a sloping white sandy beach. Still an area with a beach Ngandong or rather in Watu Lawang, there are shelters Community of roader (Crab) with five-star hotel amenities Equivalents, among others equipped with meeting rooms, spa and others, very pleasant place to relax and spend the weekend.