Gunungkidul Village tour

Villages Tourism In Gunung Kidul 1. VILLAGE Bobung, Putat, SUB pecking
Almost all of its people basic livelihood is to be a crafter Mask batik wood and other wood crafts. Bobung also very easy to reach the existing traffic facilities including bus tours. Area Bobung Putat Village, District Patuk distance is only 10 KM east of the city Wonosari or 30 KM east of Yogyakarta city. To reach this tourist village is also not too difficult, in addition to the location of this village is paved smooth also traveled public transportation. it is also the tourists can also enjoy the fresh air of rural hillside in the Mount Nglanggeran tracking them.

Located 25 KM north of the city Wonosari, or 60 km to the east of Yogyakarta. Easy to reach because the road to this location is paved and the environment with trees and famous Garotan segar.Dusun air craft with its distinctive form of cast iron in the form of antique lamps, garden chairs and others. Memungkingkan natural rural ambience for tourists to feel the life come dipedasaan with farming, mutual cooperation and others.
The center of a white stone craftsmen with interesting ornaments. This location is easily accessible by paved road infrastructure and rural atmosphere is refreshing. one of the indigenous traditions are still preserved the Wedi Utah
Wonosadi Tourist Village is situated in the hamlet of Duren and Sidorejo Beji Village District Ngawen approximately 35 KM from Wonosari. Wonosadi name itself is actually the name of forest located on the slopes of the hills in the two hamlets. Until now this is still very well preserved forest sustainability and rich variety of flora and fauna as well as natural stones terddapat big berkuran said to be the result of the eruption of Mount Merapi Antique. This happens because the public trust that was given the authority and responsibility by the forest owner is Prince Onggolotjo, a son, descendants of Majapahit.
Tourist attractions that can be enjoyed at the Tourism Village Wonosadi among others:
Spiritual tours, visiting sacred places like Watu Gendhong, Kali Ndek, and Spring Middle Reef. Home bamboo handicraft industry Traditional ceremonies such as rasulan, sadranan, mboyong goddess sri, midang, mantenan, bellows, mitoni, ruwtan (in time).
Enjoy and practice the art Rinding gumbeng, typical art Wonosadi believed to be the oldest arts in Java

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