Tour History "Megalithic Sites Sokoliman"

Megalithic Sites Sokoliman

Located in the Hamlet Sokoliman II Village District Bejiharjo Karangmojo. This site was formed in prehistoric periods in the form of menhirs, menhir fragments and wall rock tomb. In 1934 Jl Moens and Van der Hoop conduct research on this site and found the grave in the form of beads, aalat-iron tools, fragments of pottery and bronze objects.
In 1989 BP3 (Balai Preservation of Archaeological Heritage) DIY Province to reform and collect the scattered menhirs. Communities around the call site with the name "Tombs Budho".
In the megalithic, menhir is a manifestation of public figures who have died and as a medium of worship to the spirits of ancestors. Sokoliman megalithic culture has a distinctive, especially in menhirnya, namely at the top of the carved human face.
Menhir Sokoliman found in the field. Stone is expected to place human beings at the time of worship and symbol of power or specific events, such as war. Number of stones quite a lot about 140 pieces. Five of them bigger than others, and is called Saka Five pole which means that the number five and is suspected as the origin of the name Sokoliman.

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