Gunungkidul Forest

Wonosadi Forest and Mount Images are two natural attractions are located close together and at certain moments the same time, local people perform traditional ceremonies "SADRANAN" royally.
Wonosadi Forest is a forest located on the slopes of the hills in the village of Beji Ngawen District, about 18 km from Wonosari. Forest rich with rare trees is still very awake sustainability.
Mount image with a height of 200 meters above sea level, is the spiritual tourism in the Village District Jurangjero Ngawen. From its top we can enjoy the beauty of the Swamp Jombor in Klaten and Reservoir Elephant Mungkur in Wonogiri. Mount Image is a place imprisoned Raden Mas Said / Prince Sambar Nyowo during the war against the Dutch. In this place, he sat on a rock (Watu Kong), which is still visible in Mount Pictures, develop strategies to fight the Dutch, who then became ruler of Surakarta with a degree KGPAA Mangkunegaran Mangkunegara I.

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