Tour History "Radio Banaran"

RADIO STATIONS history of the Air Force PC-2
Radio AURI has an important role in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. Through the Air Force station, the news of the Indonesian struggle to spread widely to foreign countries. Of course, its impact is very broad, so that the international world to know about the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Even the figures Mr struggle. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara once commented, if there is no PHB Air Force, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia at that time has no meaning. The role of Air Force radio began when the fighters to master some of the mobile transmitter, the constant struggle to follow. This communication tool is needed for communication between central and local government leaders as well as with the international community. On December 17, 1945, Commander of Division III Yogyakarta officially handed over the authority and responsibility to the TKR field keudaraan Aviation Bureau, since it also activities to collect air force began to increase. Communication and personnel affairs entrusted to Patience Wiryonomukti. He assembled an experienced friends in the field of radio communications, such as Boediardjo who were given the task of preparing human resources, particularly for the Department of Transportation or PHB-AURI. He called the 16 students in the School of Radio wire Bugis Malang, to serve as the core of PHB-AURI. With the advent of Adi Soemarmo Wirjokoesoemo, former Flight Radio Operators of The Netherlands East Indies Air Force (NIA), PHB-AURI performance getting better and better.   April 9, 1946, the Government issued Decision No. 6 on the establishment of the Air Force, and set Raden Surjadi Suryadarma as Air Force Chief of Staff (rafters) with two representatives of R. Soekarnaen Martokoesoemo and Adisoetjipto. Two years later the Air Officer III Boediardjo was appointed Air Force Chief of Bureau of Transportation.   During the invasion of the Netherlands to Yogyakarta, 19 December 1948, to occupy the country's capital and capturing the leader of the nation, Vice-President Mohammad Hatta had time to send a message. Radiogram shaped message is then conveyed to all Air Force stations in Indonesia by Patience Wijoyomukti through AURI radio station located in Yogyakarta Terban Park.   The sound message is: "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN YOGYA besieged ENEMY AND SHOULD NOT BE DOING his obligations (comma) BUT HAS BEEN HELD FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN Forwards SUMATRA (TTK) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE IN THE YOGYAKARTA (comma ) FIGHT forwarded (TTK HBS). "
Finish sending the news, radio stations in the Air Force destroyed by Boediardjo Terban Park, in order to protect the fighters from the invasion of Holland. The fighters then went out of town to gather strength and continue guerrilla struggle.  In the village Dekso, Kulonprogo, where military officials gathered to coordinate, founded Command Headquarters Java known as Java Command Headquarters, the head of Nasution. While in Sumatra Sumatra stands Command Headquarters (MBKS) under the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Emergency) led by Mr. Syafruddin Prawiranegara. After joining the Java Command Headquarters, Air Officer III Boediardjo which still served as Head of Communications tried to convince Air Force leadership Java Command Headquarters. That he can make communication with the Command Headquarters of Sumatra and other command headquarters. At that time the Air Force still has about 39 radio stations scattered in various places. Beginning in January 1949 Boediardjo with his men, assisted by Basir Surya and Sergeant Air Soeroso, each Commander and Chief of Airport PHB d'Ivoire, set up a secret radio station in the village of Banaran, District Playen. Radio transmitters used were type People Cooperation (PC-2). AURI radio station equipment, the callsign PC-2, placed in the kitchen house owned by deceased Pawirosetomo peasant family. The power plant hidden in the ground and covered with wood stove fuel. While the antenna stretched on two coconut trees, installed only at night to do the broadcast. While on the morning of the equipment is hidden so as not to know Dutch. Cohesiveness and support of local residents helped in implementing the tasks of broadcasting and conceal the existence of PC-2 radio stations. Especially family Pawirosetomo wife and two children, who always helped the fighters in carrying out the task. Activities undertaken was to conduct the exchange of information about the activities of the fighters in Java and Sumatra as well as broadcast the success of the struggle abroad. One of the achievements station AURI PC-PHB-2 Playen is its success in broadcast news about General Offensive March 1, 1949. Broadcast news was carried on at 02.00 pm on March 2, 1949, to the entire radio network Air Force even to the United Nations. The news sent by Sergeant Basukihardjo, an operator station PC-2 PHB AURI Playen, and received by the radio operator Sgt Bidar Air Kusnadi Nature. The next day, March 3, the news was reported by the Air Officer and Element III Dick Said Tamimi told Mr. Chairman Emergency Government. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara. The news immediately sent to radio stations "nbm" Tangse, "ZZ" Kototinggi. Through radio "nbm" Tangse news sent to radio stations "SMN" in Rangoon and then proceed to New Delhi and representatives of Indonesia to the United Nations in Washington, USA. RI representative at the United Nations officials revealed the news in front of the UN Security Council meeting on March 7, 1949, thus opening the eyes of the world against the presence of Indonesian struggle to achieve independence.

Sumardjono, Pawirosetomo heirs, then the house and its garden soil mewakafkan joglonya to dijadian Monuments Radio PHB AURI PC-2 Playen which was inaugurated on July 10, 1984 by Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

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