Gunungkidul Beach

Gunungkidul district has the superior attractions of the natural attractions of nearly 46 beaches and stretches as far as 70 km in the south. In addition to pristine, each beach has its own characteristics and uniqueness, that pampers guests with its beauty.
Besides beaches, natural attractions that exist in the form of tourism Gunungkidul Wonosadi forests as forests, mountain tours like Mount Nglanggeran a fascinating and tourism karst.
Gunungkidul karstnya region famous for its expanse, which is a world heritage that should be maintained. Karst area is located in the southern zone or zone of the mountain a thousand. In the region are found underground rivers, caves, lake and luweng. Landscape is known by the name of the Karst Regions Sewu Mountains that lie in the region Gunungkidul, Wonogiri and Pacitan.

1. Baron Beach

Baron beach is the entrance gate area beach attractions. The beach is surrounded by limestone hills upon which there is a path where tourists can enjoy the beauty of the vast sea and typical. In the west, there is an underground river estuary water (fresh water) so that there is a meeting place between seawater and freshwater. Characteristic Baon beach is the number of different marine fish fresh and ready to eat including Baron's special menu namely Snapper fish soup. Ordinary local fishing communities implement Alms Sea Ceremony performed routinely every month of Suro (Javanese calendar). This ceremony is an expression of gratitude to God for an abundant harvest of fish and application of safety in looking for fish in the sea. Facilities already available include: Hotel class jasmine, Cafes dining, souvenir stalls, open panggunung. and conference hall.
 2. Beach Krakal

Is a wide beach and the longest dinatara seven other beaches in the area, located 2 km east of Drini beach. outih glittering sand that stretches along the coast, ideal for tourists who want to enjoy the sea air while jogging, or bathing / swimming at the beach while enjoying the beauty and look for a variety of marine life, with a small nets are sold there. At certain times there are treats on an open stage tourist attraction off the coast. Facilities available include Hotel Melatio, food stalls

3. Kukup Beach

Kukup Beach is a beautiful white sandy beaches and wide, there are a variety of marine life, especially ornamental fish are sold by some merchants on the beach or maintained in the building near the shore of the Sea Aquarium. Here too there is a small coral island which contained thereon viewing post to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Adaantara Facilities include: a hall of meeting separately, Pondok Wisata, Budget Hotels, Waung food and souvenir vendors stalls, ornamental fish, iakn pedagnag fast food and fruits. Local fishermen communities also implement alms ceremony along with the sea in coastal fishing Baron

4. Sepanjang Beach
Along the coast is a series of Baron and Kukup Beach is located in the Village Kemadang, District Tanjungsari, about 2 km to the east Coast Kukup. With a stretch of white sandy beaches suitable as an exclusive tourist area of ​​authority, is ideal for sunbathing enjoying the warm sunshine and a coastal conservation at a given time usually used for landings of sea turtles lay their eggs.  

5. Drini Beach
Drini Beach is located in the Village Ngestirejo, District Tanjungsari, about 1 km to the east of the Coast Along. The specialty of this beach there is a growing coral island Drini tree and its wood is said to be used as an antidote to venomous snakes.  

6. Beach Sundak
Located in the Village Sidoharjo, District Tepus, about 1 km to the east of the coast Krakal, green natural scenery blend with the coastal village with a comfortable atmosphere is perfect for relaxing and is commonly used as a platform for tourism campsite adolescents.

7. Beach Ngandong
Located in the village of Sidoarjo, Tepus District, about 500 m to the west of Côte Sundak a sloping white sandy beach. Still an area with a beach Ngandong or rather in Watu Lawang, there are shelters Community of roader (Crab) with five-star hotel amenities Equivalents, among others equipped with meeting rooms, spa and others, very pleasant place to relax and spend the weekend.

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